Freedom of thought and action is embedded in the DNA of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). But what does this freedom actually mean for our scientists, researchers, staff, students, and alumni? How does it shape their thinking and behaviour? In a series of short videos, we let them speak for themselves. Bioengineer and leading cancer researcher Damya Laoui, along with gynaecologist and founder of the VUB-Dilemma abortion centre, Anne Verougstraete, kick off the series.
Anne Verougstraete: "Free to choose not to carry an unwanted pregnancy."
Dr. Anne Verougstraete is a gynaecologist trained at the VUB. She is one of the pioneers among Belgian abortion doctors and was head of the VUB-Dilemma abortion centre. She is also a member of FIAPAC (the International Federation of Abortion and Contraception Professionals) and the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health.
Damya Laoui: "Free to think in ways that challenge expectations."
Prof. Dr. ir. Damya Laoui graduated as a bioengineer and earned her PhD in bioengineering sciences at the VUB. She is a cancer researcher affiliated with the VUB (Brussels Centre for Immunology within the bioengineering sciences department) and the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB).
Her fundamental research into cancer therapies aimed at preventing relapse and metastasis is partly funded through the VUB-Yamina Krossa Fund.