Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Building D, room D.2.01 (promotiezaal)
NETWORK EVENT WITH INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI - @ Building D, room D.2.01 - 18:00-20:00
Networking event for final-year students to chat and mingle with VUB alumni working in an international environment. Two speakers will give a presentation during the event:
- "Co-creating evidence-based education at VUB and in South Africa (student group mobility)" - name TBC
- "Working in an international environment", by Sylvie Van den Kerkhof, Vice-President Strategy, UPS Europe Region
The speeches will be followed by a drink where students can network with VUB alumni working in an international environment.
- VUB Staff can register via the general International Days registration form
- Alumni, VUB students, and non-VUB attendees can use this registration form