Sometimes silence can be a blessing, other times it can feel unbearable. Are we still able to find moments of quiet in this often-deafening world? How do different cultures deal with silence? And can rituals bring us closer to our own longing for quiet? What about people who experience the world without sound? What is it like to be born d/Deaf, and how can scientists support these people’s experiences?
There are also lots of people who work away quietly. What is the impact of stay-at-home mothers, volunteers, and other caring hands in our society? And where would we be without these silent heroes?
Those who dare to open their mouths to speak out against dictatorships or absolutist regimes are often silenced, sometimes forever. All too regularly, journalists or activists ‘disappear’ after shedding light on abuses. Censorship can take on grotesque dimensions and harms the very foundations of democracy.
Finally, silence is often associated with peace and serenity, while it can also be a sizzling source of cultural inspiration. Artists, actors, and filmmakers often make use of the loaded tension and energy inherent in silence. From silence, new forms of expression and beauty can arise.
As you can see (hear?), plenty can be said and written about silence. To dig deeper, come and experience these reflections for yourself during Mindblowers 2024: Silence.
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