
Thursday, 17 October, 2024 - 19:45 until 21:30
Pilar Box



VUB Entrance 6

In Malinconico, five performers explore how to give their own melancholy a place on stage and beyond. They seek out, investigate, and depict this emotion. Through a collective experience, born from a horizontal working process, they share something intimate with the outside world, hoping it can find a place there too.

Malinconico is a lullaby. A magical dream. A ritual to summon the many moods and forms of melancholy. It provides a shared safe space to experience its universal gloom, not to define it, but to reflect on it and rest with it. It's an exploration of the vast territories between what was and what could have been.

Malinconico proposes a collective care and bearing of the many ways melancholy manifests. It's a moment to escape the productive, rational, and rigid, and to dive into a sea of longing under a blanket of light sorrow. Perhaps we unlock hidden doors deep within. Malinconico invites melancholy itself to step into the (moon)light so it can comfort us, to hold it in our arms, to embrace ourselves and each other.

Malinconico creates a queer and crip magical-realist universe that seeks comfort in a bleak landscape and lightness in darkness. The performance is multilingual, mainly in English, with surtitles provided in English and Dutch.

Malinconico is a relaxed performance, meaning we make the show as accessible as possible. Feel free to come and go, make noise, sing with us, move, and feel whatever you feel.

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About Par Hasard

Par Hasard is a hybrid collective (comprised of Mira Bryssinck, Fred Libert, and Laura Vroom) that curates works-in-progress, organizes workshops, and creates its own projects. Their work always starts from a place of experimentation, accessibility, and connection. The performances "A Pair Of Socks" and "ZET U" explored the elasticity of empathy. Following these, Mira began preliminary research on melancholy (with support from Fred), which led to the creation of this performance. "Malinconico" was created in a horizontal manner, with the text developed collectively, inviting contributions from the entire team. This project is supported by artists and cultural workers who not only have a sense of melancholic poetry in their work but also aim to question production logic, representation, and the culture of hospitality in the theater.

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The world needs you

This initiative is part of VUB's public programme: a programme for everyone who believes that scientific knowledge sharing, critical thinking and dialogue are an important first step to create impact in the world. 

As an Urban Engaged University, VUB aims to be a driver of change in the world. With our academic edcuational programmes and innovative research, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and to making a difference locally and globally.

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