
Friday, 24 May, 2024 - 17:30 until 23:59
VUB Main Campus Etterbeek
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Registration until 

As per tradition, the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy brings together its students, staff, alumni, and supporters for a fantastic evening.

Pasta & drinks, cosy chats, lots of joy and laughter, ... in short: an excellent combination for good vibes.

Join us on Friday, 24 May 2024 at the U-Residence on the VUB Main Campus (Etterbeek).

Please indicate your attendance via Facebook; it might even persuade your (former) classmates to join as well!

  • 5:00 PM: Tour for class '84 
  • 5:30 PM: Doors open 
  • 6:00 PM - 11:45 PM: Cocktail & bar service 
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Pasta buffet 
  • 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM: Get-together for LOBW ambassadors 
  • 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM: Get-together for internship supervisors 
  • 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM: INNOGAMES EhB

Register and reserve and pay for your spaghetti using the form below. You can do this until 19 May.

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Dit formulier is gesloten.

Ben je vergeten je te registreren? Je kan aan de kassa nog spaghetti kopen - tot de voorraad strekt. Je bent ook altijd welkom om iets te komen drinken!