
Monday, 20 March, 2023 - 19:30 until 23:30
Studio 4 - Flagey
1050 Elsene


  • 19:30: Welcome by Gilles Ledure, director Flagey
  • Video clip with Caroline Pauwels
  • Introduction of PACT by VUB rector Jan Danckaert
  • Alicja Gescinska: lecture on the occasion of the Humanitas publication 
  • Jonathan Holslag and Kathleen Van Den Daele respond to Alicja Gescinska's lecture
  • Followed by discussion with Alicja, Jonathan Holslag and Kathleen Van Den Daele with questions from students public 
  • 21:30: reception

On the premises, you can make a contribution to the Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund for students

More information can be found on the PACT site (Dutch only). The event is completely free, but registration is absolutely necessary. You can register below.

Register here