
Monday, 22 May, 2023 up to and including Thursday, 8 June, 2023 - 09:30 until 12:30

FARI Test & Experience Center (Cantersteen 12, 1000 Brussel)
€ 375


Data, data processing and artificial intelligence (AI) are expected to play a transformative role for both the public and the private sector. Public entities and administrations will not be able to leverage the opportunities of the new digital ecosystem without a proper and sufficiently practical understanding of what these new technologies are about and how they could be impacting their business.

This training provides help to understand the value of AI and its relevance for your professional environment. It will showcase some inspirational use cases to show the day-to-impact. It will help decision-makers from the public sector understand how to identify opportunities & threats and start building a responsible and sustainable AI strategy.

Target Audience

This training was designed for decision-makers from public organizations that want to fully grasp the opportunities and understand the threats posed by AI technologies, as well as the associated (new) European regulations on data and artificial intelligence (GDPR, Data Governance Act, Data Act, Regulations on European data spaces). The training is also open to other audiences who would find the use cases and examples relevant to their day-to-day practice.

As FARI is supported by the European Resilience & Recovery Fund (RRF), we can offer a 50% discount to participants from the following target groups:

  • Public administrations
  • Public institutions
  • Research institutions
  • Educational institutions
  • NGOs and non-profit organisations
  • Brussels based companies
  • Brussels citizens

Session 1

Initiation to AI


NL: 09.30 - 12.30 FR: 13.30 - 16.30

This interactive initiation into AI relies on pedagogical tools, games, and a collaborative approach to demystify AI and identify the barriers, needs, or opportunities that arise for your business. This session provides a flexible format that allows you to learn the essential AI concepts to identify and determine your needs (recruitment, training, implementation…)

Session 2

Ideation on Potential AI Opportunities & Use Cases


NL: 09.30 - 12.30 FR: 13.30 - 16.30

This workshop will identify business needs and explore the possibility to address them with AI solutions. Discussion around the potential use cases will allow participants to think out of the box, identify challenges, and manage expectations. This will allow you to scope at least 1 potential use case appropriately as a tangible takeaway of the program.

Session 3

Breaking Down Some Use Cases


NL: 09.30 - 12.30 FR: 13.30 - 16.30

In this session, you will take a deep dive into one or multiple use cases relevant to the different participants. These cases will showcase some practical opportunities provided by AI, while also looking at efforts, obstacles, and solutions to deliver an actual implementation. The use case(s) will be identified based on the intake of the different participants to assure maximum relevancy.