
Wednesday, 15 January, 2025 - 17:30 until 20:00
U-Residence, VUB Main Campus



Straight across the tram stop 'VUB' on the Generaal Jacqueslaan, Etterbeek
The Franqui Chairs: Pillars of Academic Excellence

The Franqui Chairs are a prestigious academic tradition in Belgium, established to promote excellence and foster collaboration between universities. They are awarded to internationally renowned scholars and researchers, enabling them to share their expertise with Belgian academic communities. These distinguished chairs are named after Emile Francqui, who, together with U.S. President Herbert Hoover, founded a trust aimed at stimulating higher education and scientific research in Belgium. 

Hosting a Franqui Chair on campus is a great honor for any university. The International Francqui Professor Chair 2024-2025 is a joint initiative of VUB, Ghent University, and the University of Namur.


17:30 - Reception
18:00 - Welcome (W. Vandenbussche, A. Housen)
18:10 - Speech Rector VUB
18:20 - Speech Vice-Rector UGent
18:25 - Speech (Vice-)Rector UNamur
18:30 - Introducing the International Francqui Professor Chair 2024-2025, Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Dewaele (A. Housen)
18:35 - Inaugural Lecture:  Multilingual, multicultural and multicompetent individuals, Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Dewaele
19:05 - Introducing the VUB Francqui Chair 2024-2025, Em.Prof.Dr. Philippe Van Parijs (W. Vandenbussche)
19:10 - Inaugural Lecture:  How can one make Brussels (even) more multilingual?, Em. Prof. Dr. P. Van Parijs
19:40 - Panel discussion with J.M. Dewaele and P. Van Parijs, with questions and comments from the audience (moderator: W. Vandenbussche)
19:55 - Closing remarks (A. Housen)
20:00 - Reception