
Wednesday, 16 October, 2024 - 19:00 until 21:00
Royal Library of Belgium (KBR)

Mont ds Arts


Free of charge

After the sold-out lecture by world-renowned journalist Robert D. Kaplan, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Professor Jonathan Holslag once again invite you to a lecture on the state of the world. This time, the speaker is American China expert Elbridge Colby.

Elbridge Colby worked from 2017 to 2018 for the administration of former U.S. President Donald Trump, serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development. He is also closely involved in Donald Trump's current election campaign.

  • How should we interpret the concerns of the United States – a country that still has the most powerful armed forces, the most capable research institutions, and the richest economy in the world?
  • How deeply rooted is the American distrust of China?
  • How does this distrust shape American strategic, economic, and security choices?
  • And what impact do these choices have on Europe's economy and security?

This event is SOLD OUT. You can register on the waiting list. When spots become available again, you'll receive an email with your ticket. You can also register on VUB's mailing list and receive invitations for similar events in the future.



  • 7 PM: Doors open
  • 7.30 PM: Welcome by Jonathan Holslag
  • 7.45 PM: Lecture by Elbridge Colby
  • 8.30 PM: Q&A. Moderator: Jonathan Holslag
  • 9 PM: End


Elbridge Colby

About Elbridge Colby

Elbridge Colby is called a China hawk, taking a very critical stance towards China. He advocates for economic sanctions, a military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, and closer cooperation with allies to curb China's influence. Jonathan Holslag: β€œYou may disagree with the hardline stance of the China hawks, but it is important to understand their motives and plans.”

Jonathan Holslag

About Jonathan Holslag

VUB Professor Jonathan Holslag is an expert in international relations. In Flanders, he is known for his in-depth analyses and commentary on global politics, with a particular focus on the rise of China and its implications for Europe and the rest of the world. Holslag shares his expertise through books, newspaper columns, and television talk shows. He’s a sought-after speaker at conferences and debates.

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This initiative is part of VUB's public programme: a programme for everyone who believes that scientific knowledge sharing, critical thinking and dialogue are an important first step to create impact in the world. 

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