VUB and RHEA, the VUB expertise centre for gender, diversity, and intersectionality, invite you to join the annual Gender Week from 4th to 8th March 2024.
Leading up to International Women's Day on 8th March, VUB is organising a week of activities focused on gender and diversity. As an Urban Engaged University, VUB aims to contribute to an inclusive society where everyone feels represented and has equal opportunities, regardless of their gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or background. One of the highlights is a political debate featuring five women from the five largest Flemish parties, discussing gender-related and other current themes in the run-up to the elections.
- 4th March 2024, 1pm - VUB Main Campus, Etterbeek
Documentary with Q&A: FEM IN ART
In the documentary FEM IN ART, video artist Anouk De Clercq and choreographer/video artist Ana Pi discuss the impact of gender and ethnicity on their position in the art world and how it shapes their artistic practice. It offers an intimate portrait of their daily creative process and explores femininity and art within the broader, intersectional feminist struggle, transcending binary structures. Join this fascinating documentary followed by an exclusive Q&A with director Sarah Baur. Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans, professor of photography and contemporary art at VUB, will moderate this event.
- 4th March 2024, 6pm - VUB Main Campus, Etterbeek
Machteld de Metsenaere Inaugural Lecture: Respect existence or expect resistance: the cost of resisting heteropatriarchy in Uganda
Stella Nyanzi, self-described academic-activist-artist-disruptor, discusses her experiences resisting heteropatriarchy in Uganda. She is a multi-award-winning intellectual and currently a scholarship holder of the writers-in-exile program of Pen Zentrum Deutschland.
- 6th March 2024, 6:30pm - VUB Main Campus, Etterbeek
Panel Discussion: Beyond the Traditional Family? (Dutch)
The societal image of 'family' is changing due to new reproductive technologies. Experts Julie Nekkebroeck (UZ Brussel), Olivia Wittock (Cavaria), Michiel De Proost (UGent), and Caroline Roelens (UZ Brussel) will discuss access and barriers to assisted reproduction, including hot topics like surrogacy and same-sex and queer parenting. The panel will be moderated by Rhea director Prof. Dr. Gily Coene.
- 7th March 2024 - VUB Main Campus, Etterbeek - Auditorium Q.D.
Political Debate with Q&A and Reception: Gender Equality Elections (Dutch)
Should there be a relaxation of abortion laws? How do we create a safe environment where young people can fully embrace their sexual identity and gender identity? Is it the responsibility of teachers to challenge gender stereotypes from kindergarten and make sexual diversity a topic of discussion? These are just some of the questions that will be addressed during a political debate titled ‘Gender Equality Elections', organised by the Department of Political Science of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. On the eve of International Women's Day, Gwendolyn Rutten (Open VLD), Nadia Naji (Groen), Hannelore Goeman (Vooruit), Kathleen Depoorter (N-VA), and Lynn Callewaert (CD&V) will represent their party's stance and look ahead to what we can expect after the elections. Professors Karen Celis and Dave Sinardet will moderate the debate.
- 8th March 2024 - Brussels
Women's March
Join Rhea in the Women's March, starting at 5pm at Brussels Central Station. We will collectively depart from the VUB Main Campus in Etterbeek at 4:30pm.
About RHEA
RHEA is the VUB Centre of Expertise for Gender, Diversity, and Intersectionality at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. By embedding intersectionality in its name and work, RHEA highlights that gender inequality is always interconnected with other diversity categories such as ethnicity, sexuality, religion, class, ability, and age. Therefore, intersectionality forms the central theoretical framework in all of RHEA's scientific research, education, and activities.
The world needs you
This initiative is part of VUB's public programme: a programme for everyone who believes that scientific knowledge sharing, critical thinking and dialogue are an important first step to create impact in the world.
As an Urban Engaged University, VUB aims to be a driver of change in the world. With our academic edcuational programmes and innovative research, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and to making a difference locally and globally.
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