Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Building D. Room D.0.07.
About the lecture 'Detection and characterization of the singularities of functions'
Many types of signals display a very oscillatory behavior in the neighborhood of singularities. It is for example the case for gravitational waves, fully developed turbulence, or brain data. A major issue is to detect and characterize such behaviors (referred to as ​​"oscillating singularities'' or "chirps'') since they usually are the signature of important physical phenomena. We will show how recent techniques of harmonic analysis allow us to meet these challenges.
Contact professor andreas.debrouwere@vub.be for registrations.
Mini-course from 16-19 April 2024
The inaugural lecture will be followed by a mini-course entitled Time-scale and time-frequency methods in the study of singularities of functions given by Stéphane Jaffard at the Department of Mathematics and Data Science at the VUB from 16-19 April 2024. This mini-course consists of four lectures and is intended for Master students, Ph.D. students, and researchers interested in theoretical and applied harmonic analysis.
Please contact professor andreas.debrouwere@vub.be if you would like to attend the mini-course.
Tuesday 16/04/2024, 14:00-16:00, room: E.0.10
Lecture 1: A panorama of local singularities of functions and signals: Which behaviors does one want to put in evidence?
Wednesday 17/04/2024, 14:00-16:00, room: D.0.02
Lecture 2: Tools from harmonic analysis: time-scale vs. time-frequency decompositions
Thursday 18/04/2024, 10:00-12:00, room: G.1.53
Lecture 3: Wavelet characterizations of pointwise singularities
Friday 19/04/2024, 10:00-12:00, room: G.1.57
Lecture 4: Multivariate multifractal analysis for the detection of chirps and oscillating singularities
Online programme
You can also follow these lectures online.

About Prof. Dr. Stéphane Jaffard
Stéphane Jaffard is a professor of mathematics at the Laboratory of Analysis and Applied Mathematics at the Paris-East Créteil University (UPEC). He was president of the French Mathematical Society from 2007 to 2010. He received in 2021 the prestigious Jacques-Louis Lions Prize in applied mathematics. In 2022, he coordinated the project "Assises des Mathématiques", which aimed at promoting the importance of mathematics in science, industry, and society.
Stéphane Jaffard's work focuses on theoretical and applied harmonic analysis. He is a leading expert on wavelet methods for studying the pointwise regularity of functions (multifractal analysis). He successfully applied these methods to various real-world problems, including heart rate analysis, the authentication of paintings (Van Gogh challenge), and the modeling of turbulent flow.

About the Francqui Chair
The Francqui Chair, existing since 1933, is an initiative of the Francqui Foundation and encourages the collaboration and exchanges between universities. This, in turn, enriches academic environments, advances academic excellence and interdisciplinary research, and also contributes to strengthen the different universities’ reputations. The inaugural lesson of such a cycle is usually the opportunity to bring together all the personalities of the discipline concerned.
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