Set in 1950s Iraq, the film follows three Palestinian refugees of different generations as they attempt to cross into Kuwait, the so-called “Promised Land.” Concealed in the steel tank of a smuggler’s truck, the men cling to fragile hope, but their journey lays bare the brutal realities of dispossession and systemic injustice.
The film’s critical lens on Arab leadership led to censorship and boycotts, yet its unyielding message continues to resonate today. As conflicts persist and the Palestinian cause remains urgent, The Dupes is more relevant than ever. The film reminds us of the enduring struggle of displaced peoples, the failure of solidarity, and the human cost of political betrayal.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with artist Reem Shilleh, filmmaker Omar Jabary Salamanca and researcher Brigitte Herremans (Ghent University).
19:00 – Welcome and introduction
19:10 – Screening of The Dupes
20:40 – Conversation with Omar Jabary Salamanca, a political scientist specializing in Palestine, archiving, and the documentation of colonial violence; Reem Shilleh, a researcher exploring militant and revolutionary image practices in Palestine, its diaspora, and its solidarity networks; and Brigitte Herremans, a researcher focused on human rights in Syria and Palestine, and the potential of art to make injustice visible.
Tickets are available online through the Cinema RITCS website for €8, with a discounted rate of €6 for students, RITCS staff, RITCS alumni, job seekers, and seniors (65+). Cineville ticket holders can attend for free but must still reserve a ticket.
This event is part of Frames of Resistance, a series of film screenings that highlights the important contributions of Arab film producers, particularly their gendered perspectives on the Palestinian question. This year’s program makes a vital connection to Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza and Lebanon, amplifying voices that shed light on Israeli colonization, violence, and the resilience of Palestinian men, women, and children.
The film series is presented by VUB Crosstalks, the VUB Fatima Mernissi Chair, VUB Palestine Solidarity Network, United Screens for Palestine and Cinema RITCS.
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