
Saturday, 18 November, 2023 - 10:30 until 21:30

Muntpunt & De Markten - Brussel

Day ticket Pay what you can 8 / 12 / 14* / 18/ 20 EUR * suggested price

“Hope is something you have to earn,” Greta Thunberg writes in The Climate Book. That’s why ECOPOLIS 2023 takes on the challenge of igniting hopeful activism. How do you turn concern or anxiety about the climate crisis into commitment? How to find a middle ground between naiveté and defeatism?

Returning to Brussels this year on November 18th with the theme ‘Hope is Action’, Ecopolis 2023 aims to contribute to a better world, whilst not ignoring the often harrowing reality and paying extra attention to voices that are usually not heard. Be inspired by writers, artists and other thinkers. Explore remarkable places in the city and attend workshops by enthusiastic doers. Take part in ECOPOLIS 2023 and contribute to positive change.


Discover the full program on

Some highlighted sessions:

10:30-14:30 Cycling tour Brussels on the move: Cycling tour of hopeful places

in NL & FR

!! Book your spot via the service mail, after buying your ticket. The start location will also be shared with you this mail.

11:30-13:00 Panel What we knew already then. With Geert Buelens, Philippe Huybrechts (VUB) and Catherine Joie

De Markten | in ENG

14:00-14:50 Performance Sébastien Hendrickx - Moddertong

Kaaistudios | in NL  

!! Book your spot via the service mail, after buying your ticket. 

18:00-19:30 Panel HOPE IS ACTION. With Stephanie Collingwoode Williams and Jan Mertens

De Markten | in ENG & FR

And also: sewing & silk printing workshops, 'HOW TO' – conversations on fair fashion, energy sharing and housing cooperatives, a film screening of Nic Baltazar’s Duty of Care, a Climate desk and a Marathon of Reading Experiences. 



The suggested price for a day ticket is 14 euros. It is up to you to determine whether this price matches your financial situation. If you are able to pay more for a ticket, you are helping others who can pay less. Please note that certain activities, such as the bike tour and hike, require separate registration. Once you have purchased a day ticket on the Kaaitheater website, you will receive an email to do so.


Ecopolis 2023 is an initiative of Oikos | in collaboration with Kaaitheater, VUB Crosstalks, De Transformisten, Muntpunt, De Markten, Brussels Academy, Masereelfonds  Broederlijk Delen, Reset.Vlaanderen, Etopia | supported by Green European Foundation, Literatuur Vlaanderen