Mevrouw Anastasiya Kiseleva zal op dinsdag 21 Januari 2025 om 14u30 haar doctoraat in de rechten verdedigen, getiteld: ‘Transparent Development and Deployment of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Multilayered Accountability Framework Integrating Law and Computer Science to Address Technological and Human Opacity’.
De verdediging zal plaatsvinden in de Promotiezaal en kan ook online gevolgd worden. U bent van harte uitgenodigd op de receptie nadien, hiervoor kan u inschrijven tot 15/01/2025. Zie de uitnodiging voor meer informatie.
English version:
Ms. Anastasiya Kiseleva will defend her doctoral thesis in Law on Tuesday 21 January 2025 at 2:30 PM, titled: ‘Transparent Development and Deployment of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Multilayered Accountability Framework Integrating Law and Computer Science to Address Technological and Human Opacity’.
The defence will take place in our Promotion Room and can also be attended online. You are warmly invited to the reception afterwards, for this, please register by 15/01/2025. See the invitation for more information.