
Wednesday, 27 March, 2024 - 18:00 until 20:00



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During this panel discussion, VUB researchers will focus on the profile of labor migrants living and working in Belgium, how labor migration is organised and what the needs and challenges are on the Belgian labor market and for a future migration policy. We will then engage in a discussion with policymakers, civil society and social partners.  

Do we need more labor migrants and on which labor migration should Belgium focus? Is Belgium attractive for labor migrants? Are labor migration policies working in Belgium?  

Dr. Amy Weatherburn (ULB) is a FNRS postdoctoral researcher at ULB. She is a lawyer and expert on labor migration, labor market exploitation and human trafficking. She conducted research on the experiences of non-EU migrant workers in Belgium.

Prof. Eva Van Belle is a lecturer at VUB, and an expert in labor market discrimination and inequality. As a labor economist, she conducts research on labor market policy and labor market participation of migrants.  

Dr Weatherburn and Prof Van Belle provide input to the panel discussion with Hassan Al Hilou (founder of Capital vzw and VUB fellow), Jan Knockaert (coordinator Fairwork Belgium), Stefaan Peirsman (staff member ACV Migration & Discrimination), Hind Riad (lawyer at PROGRESS Lawyers Network) and Gianni Duvillier (senior advisor Employment and Social Security at VOKA). 

With this panel debate we want to engage in a dialogue with policy makers, social partners, civil society and everyone who contributes and wants to think about labor migration and labor market participation of migrants.

De wereld heeft je nodig

Dit initiatief maakt deel uit van het publieksprogramma van de VUB: een programma voor iedereen die vindt dat het anders kan in de wereld en gelooft dat wetenschappelijke inzichten, kritisch denken en dialoog een belangrijke eerste stap zijn om je stempel te drukken op jouw omgeving en de wereld. 

Als Urban Engaged University wil de Vrije Universiteit Brussel een drijvende kracht van verandering in de wereld te zijn. Met ons academisch onderwijs en ons innovatief onderzoek dragen we bij aan de Sustainable Development Goals van de Verenigde Naties en drukken we mee onze stempel op de toekomst.

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