Monday 13/11
- 9 AM Open Les - Compassionate Communities: Hoe dood, sterven, en rouw uit de taboesfeer halen? (NL)
- 3 PM Writing into Grief: Poetry and Prose Workshop (NL/ENG)
- 4 PM Studentenkringen aan het woord: Verlies en Veerkracht (NL)
Tuesday 14/11
- 10 AM Webinar - What can artists and nurses learn from each other? (ENG)
- 11.30 AM Lezing - Compassion op de werkvloer (NL)
- 5 PM Compassionate Café (NL/ENG)
- 7 PM Grief Studio with KLAD (NL/ENG)
Wednesday 15/11
- 1 PM Lerend Netwerk Compassionate Scholen (NL)
- 3 PM Compassionate Walk (NL/ENG)
- 5 PM Voices of Compassion @ Pilar (NL/ENG)
Thursday 16/11
- 10 AM Write a Compassionate Card! (NL/ENG)
- 1 PM COCO Seminar - Grieving in Public Places (ENG)
- 5 PM Moment of Comfort and Before I Die Wall (NL/ENG)
Seminars, Webinars and Workshops

Words of Comfort, Literature and Art
Come together, remember, and connect
Closing Event

16/11 Moment of Comfort
Every year, VUB students and staff gather around the Monument of Comfort to commemorate everyone from the VUB community who has passed away in the past year. This subdued moment is accompanied by texts, music and the placement of flowers. Everyone is welcome from 5 PM!
This initiative is co-organized by the Compassionate University core coalition.