
Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 - 15:00 until 19:00
VUB Main Campus



Venue: Lisbon Room (verdieping -1)
Free of charge

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel and VUB's House of Sustainable Transitions warmly welcome you to the book launch of β€˜The Land of Hope’: a book where a sustainable world is no longer an illusion but a reality.

In a world characterized by the undeniable reality of climate change, biodiversity loss, and increasing inequality, there is an urgent need for a transition to a more sustainable system.

By Scientists, professionals and students
In The Land of Hope, a book edited by VUB professor and sustainability expert Cathy Macharis, various experts from VUB's House of Sustainable Transitions highlight where the current system reaches its limits, but more importantly, where opportunities and solutions can be found. VUB students contributed and visualize what the world of tomorrow can (will? must!) look like. The book is an inspiration for everyone who wants to be involved in shaping an environmentally friendly future. By highlighting existing solutions, the authors encourage us to take action now and not wait until tomorrow.

What do you think about the existing solutions?
Are you curious about their vision and want to know more about how you can contribute to a more sustainable world? Then be sure to attend the book launch. You will have the chance to talk with the authors, ask questions, think about solutions, and network with students and professionals committed to sustainability and social transformation.

Open House
The book launch takes place during the first edition of the Open House – an initiative of The House of Sustainable Transitions – where VUB scientists and partners come together every trimester to inspire each other on the path to a sustainable future. Everyone who wants to participate is welcome!

And there's more: launch of Ecotarian app
During this edition of Open House, the launch of the Ecotarian App will take place. This application, an initiative by VUB scientist Lise Vermeersch, helps citizens investigate the climate impact of recipes and restaurants so they can seek out more sustainable alternatives.

More info and registration


  • 15h00:  Welcome
  • 15h15: Presentation book β€˜The Land of Hope’ - by VUB professor Cathy Macharis
  • 15h35: Presentation chapter 'Fueling the Paradox' - by VUB professor Julien Blondeau
  • 15h55: Presentation Ecotarian app - by VUB-scientist Lise Vermeersch
  • 16h05: Student presentation of the dream of 'The Land Of Hope'.
  • 16h30: Break
  • 17h00: Open space - 7 tables on the 7 topics in the book
  • 18h20: Drinks and music

More info en registrations

VUB's House of Sustainable Transitions

This book is an initiative of The House of Sustainable Transitions of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In this house, more than 200 scientists and 44 professors from 19 different VUB research groups join forces in one large network to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable world.

Read more about The House of Sustainable Transitions

The world needs you

This initiative is part of VUB's public programme: a programme for everyone who believes that scientific knowledge sharing, critical thinking and dialogue are an important first step to create impact in the world. 

As an Urban Engaged University, VUB aims to be a driver of change in the world. With our academic edcuational programmes and innovative research, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and to making a difference locally and globally.

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