
Tuesday, 26 March, 2024 up to and including Thursday, 28 March, 2024 - 08:00 until 18:00
Floreal Blankenberge

Koning Albert I-laan

Blankenberge, Belgium

Floreal Blankenberge, Koning Albert I-laan 59, 8370 Blankenberge, Belgium


The aim of this meeting is to promote research activities and cooperation between researchers in systems and control (in a wide sense). It is the forty-third in a series of annual conferences that are held alternately in Belgium and The Netherlands. This edition is jointly organized by Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ELEC) KU Leuven (MECO).

More info:

Important dates

Abstract Submission Opens

December 1, 2023

Registration Opens

December 2023

Deadline Abstract Submission

January 12, 2024

Notification of Acceptance

February 2, 2024

Deadline Final Abstract Submission

February 9, 2024

Deadline Early Registration

February 9, 2024

Deadline Registration with Accommodation

March 1, 2024

Deadline Registration for Only Lunches or One Day

March 8, 2024

systems and control 1


Stay tuned for updates on the Program Overview and the Book of Abstracts on the event’s program webpage at

Abstract submission: call for papers

Each submission consists of a one page abstract of the contribution and must be headed with the title, the names and affiliations of the authors, and the complete mailing address (including electronic mail address) of the corresponding author. We use web based on-line electronic submissions of contributed abstracts. The electronic submission procedure consists of filling out the electronic Abstract Submission, which can be found here:

For each contributed abstract this form must be completed and submitted electronically. Only electronic submissions are accepted.

Details for the preparation of the abstracts can be found in the online Authors’ Kit: We strongly suggest following the instructions on that page. We emphasize that for all contributed abstracts, the Submission Form must be filled out to make your submission formal.

The deadline for receipt of contributed abstracts is January 12, 2024.

Special Sessions

Proposals for Special Sessions consisting of four or five contributions centered around a specific topic are also solicited. Special Session proposals should be sent by e-mail to before the initial submission deadline of contributed abstracts (January 12, 2024). Each individual abstract in a Special Session proposal must be submitted via completion of the Submission Form as well.


Decisions on the conference program will be made by the Editors of the Organizing Committee. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their abstract. Final versions of the abstracts are due February 9, 2024. Abstracts will be included in a “Book of Abstracts” which will be distributed at the conference and will also be available on the web.


To register for the 43rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, please complete the online Registration Form, which will soon be available on the website of the event Reservations are valid only when the corresponding payment has been received. Only electronic registrations are accepted. Early registration is highly recommended.

Fee schedule

The registration fee depends on the time of registration. The early registration deadline is February 15, 2024. Late registration is possible till March 4, 2024. Online registrations received after March 4, 2024, will be processed at the on-site rate and only if a room is still available, which is not guaranteed. Similarly, on-site registrations can be made at the conference registration desk, but without any guarantee of accommodation.

The fee schedule, in EUR, is as follows:





Single Room

€ 600

€ 650

€ 675

Shared Room

€ 475

€ 550

€ 575

Only Lunch

€ 330

€ 350

€ 375

One Day, Only Lunch

€ 230

€ 250

€ 275

A shared room can host 2 people (separate beds). If you register for a shared room and wish to choose your roommate, then fill their name in the appropriate field of the Registration Form. Your roommate, nevertheless, should also register separately using the Registration Form and, reciprocally, mention your name as their roommate.

The registration fee includes:

  • Admission to all sessions.
  • A digital copy of the Book of Abstracts and a hardcopy of the Program Overview.
  • Coffee, tea, water and light refreshments during the breaks.
  • In case of a Single Room or Shared Room arrangement: lunch and dinner on Tuesday; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Wednesday; and breakfast and lunch on Thursday.
  • In case of an Only Lunch arrangement: lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • In case of a One Day, Only Lunch arrangement: lunch on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

Travel Directions

The following pointers may be useful while planning your journey to the 43rd Benelux Meeting: 

By car

This link will allow you to generate directions. A large parking area is foreseen at the back of the convention center of “Floreal Blankenberge”.

By train

The railway station of Blankenberge is about 1.2 km away from the convention center. There are regular direct trains from different cities in Belgium, including Brussels, Leuven and Ghent. Scheduling your journey is possible on the NMBS website.

Alternatively, the railway station of Ostend also offers good connections with different cities such as Antwerp, but has to be complemented by another train, tram or bus ride as it is about 20 km away from the convention center.

Both the railway stations of Blankenberge and Ostend are directly connected with the tram station "Blankenberge Pier" near the convention center by "de Kusttram". It takes 3 or 40 minutes respectively. More information can be found on the website of De Lijn.


Registration, Payment and Accommodation

For questions or problems concerning the registration, payment, invoicing, or other registration-related administration, please contact the Organizing Committee at


For communications regarding the scientific program, the conference location, or practicalities, please contact the Organizing Committee at