FREE TICKET | The Vrije Universiteit Brussel and KVS are inviting VUB students, third-grade pupils and other critical thinkers to the theatre performance Amor Mundi. Attendance is free but registration is required.
Can violence ever be legitimate?
Amor Mundi reconstructs 17 October 1977, the day the German army brought an end to a plane hijacking by the militant Red Army Faction. Director Piet Arfeuille brings together different generations and asks them to reflect on what we understand by democracy. What is the attraction of authoritarian regimes? Can violence ever be legitimate?
Is it cool to be radical?
He portrays a snapshot of the 1970s that at the same time feels contemporary. Being radical is cool … or so it seemed at the time. But maybe the real dialogue is the one that doesn’t give answers but asks the right questions and inspires reflection.
Amor Mundi is a story about the right – or the duty – to state your opinion clearly, about moral compasses and how they sometimes lose their direction, about broccoli, ringing telephones and lots of alcohol.
The performance will be followed by a public conversation with philosopher and PACT curator Alicja Gescinska and director Piet Arfeuille.
In Dutch with English surtitles.
Are you a teacher? You and your pupils from the third grade of ASO are warmly invited to the performance! Email VUB schools coordinator Gert De Coorde at scholen@vub.be with the number of people who wish to attend and we’ll reserve places for you.
The Red Army Faction was recently in the news again, when group member Daniela Klette was arrested in Berlin. She had been in hiding for decades, but was suspected of committing several armed robberies and at least one attempted murder in that time.
The world needs you
This initiative is part of VUB's public programme: a programme for everyone who believes that scientific knowledge sharing, critical thinking and dialogue are an important first step to create impact in the world.
As an Urban Engaged University, VUB aims to be a driver of change in the world. With our academic edcuational programmes and innovative research, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and to making a difference locally and globally.
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