About the chair
The Chair Clinical Geropsychology is an initiative of the donor Stichting Mondriaan, a mental health institution (GGZ) in South Limburg, the Netherlands. The chair leads to further internationalisation of research projects focused on evidence-based interventions.
Due to the double societal ageing of most Western and Asian countries, there is an increased need for evidence-based mental health (GGZ) interventions in senior citizens. Yet such interventions are rare, especially for severe mental disorders. The ultimate goal is a broad implementation of knowledge and an optimisation of senior citizen psychology in mental health practice in Belgium and the Netherlands.
The chair is part of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.
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Research areas
The chair focuses on 4 research areas:
- development of evidence-based diagnostic test instruments to map the personality of senior citizens
- effect studies of psychotherapeutic interventions in senior citizens with (comorbid) personality disorders
- development and effectiveness of behavioural counselling with a focus on personality traits
- expert opinion focused on psychological interventions for senior citizens in the GGZ
Prof. Dr. Bas van Alphen
Bas is a health psychologist with Mondriaan Ouderen in Heerlen-Maastricht. In 2006, he received his PhD from Radboud University Nijmegen on diagnostic aspects of senior citizens with personality disorders. Since 2012 Prof. Dr. Bas van Alphen has been professor of Clinical Geropsychology at the Psychology department at VUB.
The promoters of this chair are Prof. Dr. Gina Rossi and Prof. Dr. Eva Dierckx.