International Relations Office
Pleinlaan 5
1050 Elsene

Opening hours:

From 15 July until 16 August the international relations office welcome desk will be open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00-12:30 and 13:30-16:00. During this time we will be closed on all other days but you can still contact us by phone or email if something is urgent, and you can still make an appointment to see someone. 

From 19 August until 9 September we will be open again every day (same hours as above) except on Wednesdays. From 9 September until 1 November, we will be open every week day to welcome new students. 

Please note: Our office will be closed on 11 July and 15 August (bank holidays). You can still contact us via email. 

A Partena healthcare insurance representative will be in our office every Tuesday and Thursday. If you are a member please contact Partena directly: vub@healthinsurance.be