Bring your ideas to life in Fablab Brussels
Are you an industrial engineering student with a passion for science and entrepreneurship? Have you been brooding on a brilliant idea for a long time but lack the space and materials to get started? Fablab Brussels to the rescue!
Give your creativity free rein and let our professionals coach you in Fablab Brussels!
About eleven years ago, it became clear that the Industrial Sciences programme was in need of a facelift, giving students the opportunity to turn their skills into practice. No sooner said than done: FabLab Brussels was born!
With the slogan Prototypes not Powerpoints, Fablab wants to encourage students to translate their ideas into practice and reduce the distance between idea and realisation through the process of rapid prototyping. And despite the traditional atmosphere and strict rules that characterise other Fablabs, in the VUB Fablab we opt for a free approach where these rules are flouted.
Meanwhile, the Fablab has twenty 3D printers, various high-tech machines and there is an evolution towards sustainable prototypes. The environment is very important to us and we work with wind energy and new sustainable materials. Together with the technology, the level of the Fablab rises quickly and constantly, and you also get the chance to develop your management skills. The commitment goes beyond developing ideas: you learn to manage the Fablab from A to Z. Together with your fellow students, it is you who mainly run the Fablab!
Has your high-tech brain been stimulated by all this information? Then make an appointment via the calendar on the website and pay the Fablab a visit!
You have...
- Interest in and knowledge of innovative technologies
- Great ideas that can be worked out
- Feel like developing your management skills
What's in it for you?
- A workshop that teaches you how to use machines from the Fablab
- Professors, staff and alumni available to coach you
- Experience in prototyping, management and cooperation with your peers
Contact details
Projectleader: Mark Runacres
E-mail: Mark.Runacres@vub.be
Adress: Fritz Toussaintstraat 8, Building G, Ground floor, 1050 Elsene
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.