Help build tomorrow's Brussels with CO-Nature
Do you ever imagine what the utopian version of Brussels would look like? No more air pollution, no litter anywhere and no shortage of green hotspots: it sounds too good to be true. But it does not have to be! Co-Nature wants to give every inhabitant of Brussels a voice and work with the population to shape the green future of Brussels.
Co-Nature is a project that grew out of doctoral research into green areas in the city and their accessibility. The team, which consists of four researchers linked to the VUB and ULB, takes an innovative approach and looks for ways to make Brussels greener. By questioning the population on how they see the future of their neighbourhood and how they themselves wish to contribute to this, they design designs for the Brussels of tomorrow. Citizens, politicians and academics sit around the table together and discuss the ideas and possibilities that arise from Co-Nature's analyses.
With the 'Imagine the world' project, Co-Nature also gives you a voice. Do you live in Brussels, do you see the future through green glasses and would you like to have a say in the nature in your neighbourhood? Send your own drawing, design or story with wishes and expectations for the future of Brussels via the website and help build the city of tomorrow! With your creative ideas Co-Nature will set to work to make our beloved capital city as green as possible. The future is bright... and green!
You are...
- A VUB'er who cycles or wants to cycle more
- A VUB'er who wants to do something about his or her mental/physical health.
- A VUB person who wants to contribute to a better environment
You have...
- A bicycle
What's in it for you?
- Cycling is good for your mental and physical health
- You contribute to a better climate
- You get a free bike kit with information and safe clothing so you are always protected
Contact details
Projectleader: Amy Philips
E-mail: Conaturecommunity@gmail.com
Tel: 02 650 5012
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.