Equal educational opportunities for all students
Developing talents is our strongest quality. But when students go through difficulties, talent, effort and dedication are not enough to obtain a diploma. To guarantee equal education opportunities, rector Caroline Pauwels launches a Relief Fund for students.
The aim of this Relief Fund is to help students in financial, material, social or psychological need. An investment in this newly founded fund pays back and makes our society more resilient and inclusive. We need partners: alumni, enterprises and VUB-sympathizers.
Support the Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund and join the fight against menstrual poverty
In Flanders, 12% of girls aged between 12 and 25 have not had enough money to buy menstrual products. Among girls living in material deprivation, this rises to 45%. This is also a reality among VUB students. For lack of menstrual products, some cannot even attend class.
The late Honorary Rector Caroline Pauwels set up a relief fund for students to ensure equal educational opportunities. Based on this belief and to combat menstrual poverty, the Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund offers sustainable menstrual products. VUB students can apply for a menstrual pack through the Student Status & Student Finance Service. The menstrual pack is a collaboration with Färm Hankar.
Do you also want to get involved in this project against menstrual poverty? Then contact the VUB Foundation, VUB philanthropy department, at foundation@vub.be.
More information on the Emergency Fund can be found here.
Contact details
Responsible: VUB Foundation
You can either donate online or via bank transfer: BE51 0013 6779 3562 with gift FO7
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.