Break through digital isolation with Beego
If you’re not online or have limited digital skills, you quickly fall behind socially. The corona crisis has made people without digital communication tools even more isolated. To tackle the challenge, enter Beego.
Beego is a platform for seeking digital assistance. Anyone with a question about computers, smartphones, apps or a specific website can engage Beego for personal support at home. And the driving force behind Beego is you, as a VUB student. You can help to reduce the digital divide by strengthening the platform with your knowledge and social engagement.
Beego is there for everyone, young, old, poor, rich, newcomers, etc. Because 40% of the population struggles with technology sometimes, so we want to offer accessible, customised support for everyone, with your help!
- Know something about technology
- Are looking for a student job with social commitment
- Are keen to put your digital knowledge into practice
What’s in it for you?
- You’ll have a much-needed impact on society
- You’ll earn a little extra cash
- You’ll increase your people skills and enrich your CV
Contact details
Projectleader: Frederick Scraeyen
E-mail: Frederick@beego.be
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.