Purpose is a beautiful English term that is hard to translate to other languages. Drive, meaning, goals. Why you go for it. What you stand up for, what you want to signify to the world. Corona gave us enough time to think about it. Now it is almost time to do it. Therefore: what is your purpose? 

We are thoroughly fed up, living in our lives in pause mode. Yet you have done a lot during the past year. You have taken responsibility for society. You have done what you thought you could not do. You have helped sustain society by staying in your room, by functioning behind a screen, by taking care of ill people, by volunteering, by helping neighbours, by keeping a distance from your loved ones, by keeping your family afloat or by simply doing nothing, living in a bubble, on a couch. 

Perhaps it was a frustrating sea of time to think, or on the contrary, an unstoppable rush in which you could not think at all. A confrontation it certainly was. Who knows, maybe in your quarantine an idea, a plan or a renewed awareness grew?  

And maybe it’s getting ready to be unleashed onto the world. 

The world needs you 

At Vrije Universiteit Brussel, we believe that every individual can contribute, that the purpose of each of us makes a difference. It is also necessary. The world needs that little piece of self from each of us in order to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.  

With the VUB, we want to make our contribution. We translate our social commitment into six umbrella themes: People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity, Partnership and Poincaré. The last two are ways to get to the first four: working together and connecting, free and critical thinking, the DNA of the VUB.  

As VUB students, we commit ourselves to becoming, or forming, the young critical thinkers of tomorrow. We are committed to research and projects for society. Science and factuality cannot stand on the sideline in these confusing times. Critical thinking must germinate for progress. We must work together. 

What is your purpose? 

You choose a study, you do a job. But what do you want to do with it for the world? Why do you do the things you do? Has that VUB DNA of engagement already got to you? Do you already have a plan, project or passion for your life?   

We will be looking for that answer in the coming weeks. Although there does not have to be an answer. The search is enough. 

For six weeks we will ask you the question in all kinds of ways. Through words. Through images. Through questions. Through an online film festival for students, staff and alumni. Through stories of people and projects. 

Find Your Purpose, from 19 April to 30 May. And forever after. 

The world needs you - Film festival