Close up picture prof. Jan Loisen

Rust zacht, Jan.

Met immense droefheid neemt de VUB-gemeenschap afscheid van prof. dr. Jan Loisen. Op 6 maart 2023 stierf Jan aan een hartstilstand en laat hierbij zijn echtgenote, prof. Karen Donders, en zijn twee kinderen achter. We zijn diep getroffen door het plotse overlijden van Jan, die een grote indruk op ons allen naliet. We koesteren alle mooie herinneringen en leven sterk mee met de familie, vrienden en kennissen.

Jan kwam in 2001 bij de afdeling Communicatiewetenschappen als onderwijsassistent. Hij was een zeer enthousiaste en warme collega met een hart voor zijn studenten. Na zijn doctoraat in 2009 over het Audiovisueel Beleid van de WTO, onder begeleiding van Caroline Pauwels, werd hij in 2011 professor aan de vakgroep. Jan was een toegewijde, loyale en gewaardeerde collega met een focus op curriculumontwerp, onderwijs en onderzoek. Met een passie voor onderzoek naar communicatietheorie, Europees en internationaal audiovisueel beleid droeg Jan bij tot het wetenschappelijk veld. Hij begeleidde meerdere doctoraten in deze onderwerpen. Zeer toegewijd in zijn onderwijs heeft hij duizenden studenten wegwijs gemaakt in communicatiestudies via zijn vak Inleiding tot de Communicatiewetenschappen.

Jan was de drijvende kracht van de Erasmus Mundus Master Digital Communication Leadership in samenwerking met Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg, Aalborg University en Wageningen University. Hij heeft de vakgroep met groot succes door meerdere visitatie- en evaluatieprocedures geloodst. Zonder enige twijfel heeft Jan bijgedragen aan het DNA van de vakgroep Communicatiewetenschappen.

Laat hier een rouwberichtje, of een mooie herinnering aan Jan achter.

Bloemen, noch kransen. Liever een gift aan het Caroline Pauwels Noodfonds voor studenten: BE51 0013 6779 3562 (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, ‘GIFT FO7’).

Laat hier je bericht


Prof. Loisen, one of the most kind-hearted and understanding teachers I've ever come across in life.

He taught with so much passion and tried his best to make his students feel at ease.

What I loved most about him was his smile and how he talked about his family with so much love and pride.

I will never forget him, he'll forever be in my heart.

that his soul rests on perfect peace in Jesus's name Amen

Professor Loisen was one of the greatest professors I have ever had, truly an exceptional person. He always presented in an engaging, interesting way, and he always made sure that the students had a laugh during his lectures. I will always hold him dearly in my heart as he helped in my academic and professional career in a way he probably didn't even realize. While I was struggling at the university during a hard time, Professor Loisen put in a good word for me with other professors, which helped me to continue my studies.
His passing is a great loss for the academic community.

I am sending all my love and strength to his family.
May he rest in peace.

Professor Loisen was not only a very knowledgeable teacher, but also a truly kind one. The news of his passing brought tears to my eyes. He is one of those extraordinary professors that many communication students will forever associate with their time at the VUB. I had the privilege of having him as my thesis supervisor. Writing this thesis was an arduous process with many stops and starts. Yet, despite my struggles, professor Loisen remained very understanding and encouraging, always willing to give me another chance.

Reading the words of others, it is clear that Jan, with his kind and passionate spirit, has positively impacted the lives of many. Let that be a source of solace in these difficult times.

My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.

In 2021 heb ik met heel veel plezier een vak van Professor Loisen gevolgd, al dan online. Helaas heb ik het hem nooit laten weten, maar ik vond het ongelofelijk knap met hoeveel enthousiasme, leven en humor hij zijn lessen gaf.

Heel veel sterkte aan al zijn familie en vrienden.

Professor Loisen was a professor who could present the course material in an interesting way and could truly get students engaged in the learning process. I was shocked to hear the news about his passing. My best wishes go to his family. May he rest in peace.

Professor Loisen was een van de eerste professoren waar ik les van kreeg aan de VUB en hij liet me meteen thuis voelen. Tijdens die lessen boeide hij ons met zijn vele verhalen en sprak hij vaak over zijn familie.
Vorig jaar had ik dan het genoegen om aan mijn thesis te mogen werken onder de begeleiding van Jan. Tijdens die periode bleek opnieuw wat een warme persoon en geweldige promotor hij was. Ik zal nooit vergeten hoe hij 'the extra mile' ging om mij te verdedigen.

Veel sterkte aan familie en vrienden.

The first time I met Prof. Loisen was during the summer school in 2019. In programme I enrolled in, there was a poster session where we had to explain our background in 5 minutes. I told the audiences that I came from breastfeeding industry, and Prof. Loisen's face was full of question mark: does that kind of industry do exist?

He was laughing for minutes and took photo of my poster. That was my first memory of him, and will be remembered dearly.

Jan was one of the kindest and most selfless colleagues we ever had and just great to be around.

Losing him so early is a shock and a great loss. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and long-time colleagues!

Professor Loisen was an incredibly kind and passionate professor. He was one of those special people who are able to spark your interest in topics you might have never been interested in before. I will always remember him as one of the first professors at university who made me feel confident and capable of achieving anything I wanted to.
My sincere condolences to his wife and children, who he never failed to bring up in class, talking about them with unconditional love and admiration. The impact of his kindness on the world will be carried on by each of his students.

Prof. Loisen was one of the kindest professors I've ever met. Thank you...

I can always felt his passion and love on his family and career from the examples he gave during the class, which were funny and also explained so well all those theories.

It was my pleasure to be your student.

Thanks again for your guidance and support.

My best wishes to his wife and children.

I've had Jan as a professor for 2 years and I appreciated him for his kindness, the compassion he showed us and the sense of humour he had. The class felt light and happy in his presence. Thank you for your devoted teaching and the positive impact you left upon your students.

sending lots of strength to the family

Prof Jan was the most enthusiastic and passionate professor i've had in quite a long time. His smile could light up a room and he made the class feel very warm and interesting. He will be greatly missed; R.I.P. Professor Jan

Jan was een heel fijn en begenadigd collega.
We gaan hem heel hard mensen.
Veel sterkte aan zijn familie en vrienden.

Onwezenlijk. Jan heeft velen van ons de eerste stapjes geleerd binnen de communicatiewetenschappen. Elke week ging iedereen met plezier naar zijn lessen, en dat kwam niet enkel door de boeiende leerstof. Jan was een empathische, grappige en ongelofelijk interessante professor.

Vorig jaar kreeg ik nog eens een gastles van hem aan de UGent, welgeteld drie jaar nadat ik les van hem kreeg aan de VUB. Ik keek er oprecht een heel semester naar uit. Die dag herkende hij mij uit de massa en sprak hij me aan, hij wist zelfs mijn naam nog. Dit is een herinnering die ik koester en die echt toont hoe Jan was. Uit al die duizenden studenten die hij elk jaar inspireerde, herkende hij gezichten, onthield hij verhalen en bleef iedereen hem bij.

Het was een eer om les te hebben gehad van Jan Loisen. Bedankt voor alles Jan. Voor de inspiratie, de mooie herinneringen en de kleine momenten die ik altijd zal koesteren.

Veel sterkte aan de familie en vrienden van Jan. Wij zullen hem nooit vergeten.

Jan was one of the kindest professor I have known at university. He was a compassionate person that was very helpful when I was struggling with his course during my first year of university. His compassion is one of the reasons I'm still studying today and did not give up.

I'm sure he left his positive mark on alot of my fellow students.

Thank you for your guidance.

I wish his family alot of courage during these difficult times.

Jan was one of the most devoted and kindest professors I have ever known.

He managed to make online classes during Covid as interactive and as interesting as possible. Through the screen we could feel his warmth and love, not only for the course but also for his family.

It was a real pleasure and honour to be your student, Jan.

Thank you for your kindness, support and guidance.

My best wishes to his wife and children. May they never forget how incredible their father was.

Jan was one of the most devoted and kindest professors I have ever known.

He managed to make online classes during Covid as interactive and as interesting as possible. Through the screen we could feel his warmth and love, not only for the course but also for his family.

It was a real pleasure and honour to be your student, Jan.

Thank you for your kindness, support and guidance.

My best wishes to his wife and children. May they never forget how incredible their father was.

Our deepest condolences to the loved and close ones left behind. The knowledge he shared with us has guided us to the path we (as his students) follow today.

Professor Loisen was an inspiration to all.

Sending you strength and the most support.

- M&N

One of the kindest professors I had. Professor Loisen was very welcoming in our first year with his comprehensive guide to communication studies and interactive approach to the course.

Condolences to his family, he will be missed by many.

"Everything you know melts away like snow"

It's really hard to see you going Jan, rest in peace. Thanks for what you gave us.