Students at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel were victims of transgressive behaviour committed by a student. Because such behaviour is unacceptable, an investigation and disciplinary procedure was started after complaints were received. While the procedure was running, protective measures were imposed on the student involved. The student was referred to the Disciplinary Committee, which ruled that for one year he would only be allowed to attend compulsory educational activities, he would no longer have access to all student facilities and, with the exception of compulsory classes and exams, he would not be allowed to show up on the VUB campuses. If this student does not comply with the disciplinary sanction imposed, he will be excluded from the VUB for a period of 3 years.
Despite this heavy sanction and going through the procedure correctly, the VUB is very aware that the process is emotionally draining and frustrating for the victims. Therefore, since this academic year, the VUB has been working on a renewed procedure and functioning of the complaints helpdesk and especially on the guidance the victims receive during this process.
This new approach will enter into force at the start of the next academic year. With these measures, the VUB wants to ensure the safety and personal integrity of all its students and at the same time speed up the procedures and provide a better framework for the victims. This approach remains a priority today and in the future, and the VUB, also within the framework of the Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR), is consulting with the other universities.