
woensdag, 16 oktober, 2024 tot en met vrijdag, 18 oktober, 2024 - 09:00 tot 17:30
VUB Photonics Campus Gooik
Vollezelestraat 46
1755 Gooik

Lenses and mirrors are essential optical components in imaging and non-imaging systems and are currently used in all industry sectors. Optimizing the optics design in view of volume manufacturing in optical grade glasses and plastics is key in maximizing system performance.

This 3-day industry training course by B-PHOT Brussels Photonics provides engineers and product developers with the basic technical insights and skills in optics and freeform optics design, prototyping, metrology and manufacturing. The course covers the key aspects of spherical and aspherical optical lenses and mirrors and highlights the unique advantages of freeform optical surfaces Prototyping, manufacturing and optical testing are illustrated with demonstrations and hands-on experience is provided with state-of-the-art pilot line equipment. Practical applications from different industry sectors serve as illustrations.

This unique industry ‘hands-on’ training program includes dedicated tutorials, tutorial material, and mentoring by technical experts. Attendees will experience access to state-of-the-art facilities and hands-on experience with top-notch equipment.

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