Mevrouw Francesca Capano zal op maandag 31 maart 2025 om 15:30 uur haar doctoraat in de Criminologische Wetenschappen verdedigen, getiteld: ‘The impact of the terrorist threat on the prison system. Comparative analysis of Italy and the United Kingdom from the 1960s to the present day’.
De verdediging zal in het Engels gehouden worden en plaatsvinden aan de VUB en online. Het exacte lokaal zal nog meegedeeld worden. Zie de uitnodiging voor meer informatie.
English version:
Ms. Francesca Capano will defend her PhD thesis in Criminology on Monday 31 March 2025 at 3:30 PM, titled: ‘The impact of the terrorist threat on the prison system. Comparative analysis of Italy and the United Kingdom from the 1960s to the present day’.
The defence will take place in hybrid form at the VUB and online. The exact location will be communicated later.
See the invitation for more information.