Hieronder vind je het programma van de middaguitdagingen en lezingen tijdens de architectuurmaand van het academiejaar 2011-2012

Architectuurmaand & Research Lectures 2011-2012

Ook dit jaar organiseerde het Architectural Engineering Lab van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel enkele publieke lezingen. Daarnaast werden in samenwerking met Pantheon middaguitdagingen voor alle studenten van ARCH georganiseerd.
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lecture by Wim Debacker, VITO

08/03/2012: lecture by Wim Debacker, VITO
"Sustainable Building 2.0: a transition towards positive impacts and enhanced qualities"
Transformable Structures
17h-19h, room D0.07

lecture by Philippe Block, The BLOCK Research Group

13/03/2012: lecture by Philippe Block, The BLOCK Research Group
"Geometry-based Form Finding - Novel funicular shells inspired by the past"
Lightweight Structures
17h-19h, room D0.02

lecture by Hilde De Clercq, KIKIRPA

20/03/2012: lecture by Hilde De Clercq, KIKIRPA
"Art and material technical science"
Including topics like: dendrochronology, authenticity of paintings, dating results mummy "Eufemia", Stoclet Paleis, Portico Rubenshuis
17h-19h, room D0.02