Architecture week, inflated air dome | picture: bru:tecture | 2017

Architecture week, workshop | picture: bru:tecture | 2018

Air dome during the architecture week | picture: Mathias Claes | 2017

Architecture week | picture: bru:tecture | 2017

Temporary installation during the architecture week | picture: Vakwerk | 2018

Architecture week, CineAtelier | picture: bru:tecture | 2017

Architecture week, inside an inflated air dome. | picture: bru:tecture | 2017

Architecture week, workshop | picture: bru:tecture | 2018



bru:tecture is a student organisation for and by future architectural engineers at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In close collaboration with our research group, this cultural organisation tries to stimulate and broaden students' interest in engineering and architecture. After all, architecture is more than just studying or taking classes. bru:tecture clearly refers to architecture in Brussels. That's why they visit various exhibitions and lectures in Brussels that focus on architecture.

Together with bru:tecture, the research group organises numerous activities every year, including a sparkling architecture week and an architecture trip that is not to be missed.

You can find more information about their activities on their Facebook page.