April 2023

online lecture series on Construction History

It has become a tradition by now to organise an online lecture series in the field of construction history. We're happy to announce that we again found some of the most renowned scholars in the field to talk about their research! All lectures start at 4 pm (Central European Time). This is the line up:

  • February 16, 4pm: Alessandro Pierattini (University of Notre Dame): 'The invention of the crane'
  • February 23, 4 pm: Fabrizio Sommaini (BTU Cottbus): 'Rome was not built in a day. The construction process of the Roman Imperial Palace'
  • March 30, 4 pm: Stefan Holzer (ETH Zurich): 'Early Modern Construction Techniques. How to build a vault'
  • April 20, 4 pm: James Campbell (University of Cambridge): 'Building St Paul's
  • May 4, 1pm & 3 pm: Philippe Sosnowska (Université de Liège): Guided tour in the Brussels' City Hall.

Want to join? Everybody is welcome to attend! Here's for a short summary of each lecture. Click here to register. For more information, contact

PS: the guided tour is only for students registered in the course 'Architectural and Construction History (before 1850' (3rd bachelor in Architectural Engineering and master students in Urban Studies, VUB and ULB).