VUB: a warm family
We are VUB. Vrije Universiteit Brussel. An internationally-orientated university in the heart of Europe. Our mission? To deliver high quality, tailored research and education. This is our way of contributing to a better world in an active and engaged way. In doing so we allow ourselves to be guided by the principles of the Enlightenment, and we value critical thought, free inquiry and a strong belief in human ability - yours too! - very highly.
We don’t undertake this mission alone, but with the entire VUB community, as we are convinced that we are stronger together. That sense of belonging drives us in everything we do. Decided to study at VUB? You will not be alone.
Typical VUB
Small-scale and personal
Let your voice be heard
Study guidance: for study advice, guidance and training
Study Guidance consists of a team of student psychologists, study supervisors and study path counselors. They will help you with information and advice free of charge if you are having difficulty with your studies. This could be individual (study selection options, stress or the fear of failure, a tailored study path …), or in a group via workshops or training sessions or via useful tools.
Social, legal and financial support
Am I entitled to a study grant from the Flemish government? Can I get a loan to cover my studies? What happens to my child support or Growth Package if I continue my studies? As a student, can I work as much as I want to in the course of the academic year? You can approach the staff of Social, legal and financial support with any questions like this. This will enable you to study in the best possible circumstances without (financial) headaches.
Student housing: for help in your search for a room
Do you have practical questions about staying in rooms at VUB, such as the rental prices, the allocation conditions or rooms outside the campus? The staff of Student Housing will be happy to help you. You can also approach them for help even if you already have a room. In VUB student dorms, we also have a room coach, who is there to deal with loneliness issues and inspire friendship.
Education and student administration: for administrative support
Do you need help with the enrolment procedure? Lost your student card? Need a certificate for a student subscription for public transport? Want a duplicate of your VUB diploma? The staff of Education and Student Administration manage all the administrative data for VUB students. You can go to them for all these types of things.
VUB Career Coaching: for help in your search for a job
During your studies, you may wish to earn a little on the side, either to top up your spending money or to help finance your studies. Or to do work experience. Whatever the reason: you will find a student job that suits you via the VUB job databank. You can also get answers to any questions you may have when later you start looking for your first permanent job.
Our aim is a healthy mind in a healthy body. That’s why as a student you can rely on medical and psychological help on our campuses. General practitioners, physiotherapists, psychologists, a dentist.... Help is never far away.