VUB Sport for a healthy society

We strive for a world where every individual in our society is aware of the benefits of regular exercise and sports. Where, through an active lifestyle, everyone develops into a competent human being who lives as a respectful, committed and critical world citizen. This ultimately results in a society where everyone feels good.

To help VUB students, academics and alumni, and anyone else who is not part of our community, find and practice their favourite sport, we have an extensive sports infrastructure, which we make available to all. VUB Sport organises a variety of sports activities at all levels and works closely with other sports providers in the region.

Our sports policy plan

Every four years we translate this mission and vision into practical measures and activities, in cooperation with our association partner Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts (EHB) under the name of Universitaire Associatie Brussel (Brussels University Association). In our joint sports policy plan, we elaborate measures to make people (and particularly students) aware of the need to (continue to) practice sports. 

Curious to find our more about the measures for 2025-2028?
Check out our sports policy plan